Das Tagebuch

Rauche, staune, gute Laune
Die schwer seriöse ‚Wirtschaftswoche‘ berichtet:
„Cannabis wird zum 1. April legalisiert.“
Dabei ist das Datum schon der 1. Witz. Und alles andere das klas­sische Endprodukt jahrelanger Massenverblödung durch bezahlte Fachkräfte in Sachen Spiesserstuss, Dummdriss und Hosenschiss.
Andererseits: Besser als nix. Oder wie Mick Jagger immer schon abwiegelte: „You can’t always get what you want“. Deshalb zum Schluss „Das wahre Wort zum Sonntag“, verkündet von wirklichen Experten, Herr Lauterbach:

Homegrown’s all right with me
Homegrown is the way it should be
Homegrown is a good thing
Plant that bell and let it ring
---- (Neil Young) ----

Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone
They'll stone you when you are walking home
They'll stone you and then say you are brave
They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
---- (Bob Dylan) ----

'Declaration of Independence'
She will just do nothing at all
She will just sit there in the noonday sun

And when they speak to her
She will not answer them
Because she does not wish to
And when they tell her to eat her dinner
She will just laugh at them
And she will not take her nap
Because she does not care to

She will just sit there in the noonday sun
She will go away and play with the panda

And when they come to look for her
She will stick them with spears
And throw them in the garbage
And put the cover on
She will not go out in the fresh air
Nor eat her vegetables
And she will grow thin as a marble
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She would just do nothing at all
She will just sit there in the noonday sun
---- (Jefferson Airplane/Paul Kantner) ----

Nimm einen Joint, mein Freund,
That spends all dei' Freud', mein Freund,
Some people say: Hasch makes lasch!
But give me the Joint.
---- (Witthüser&Westrupp) ----
zum Tagebuch